Friday, March 5, 2010

Nearing That Time of the Year

It’s nearing that time of the year again for me.  The time where, yes, all of us will face.  There’s no way you can escape it, well, unless you pass on, that is.  It’s nearing the date where my mother brought me to this earth! Yes! It’s my birthday….

My gosh, I am already in my late 20s and entering into it even further as 21st September comes.  Living life as long as I’ve done, I truly do wish to reflect on my life up till now and really, be thankful for the countless blessings that God has poured upon my life:

1. Thank God for giving me life

2. Thank God for a loving and caring family

3. Thank God for a caring and wonderful and growing church

4. Thank God for S, who loves me and cares for me

5. Thank God for always providing me with jobs all through my working years and allowing me to grow well in my career

6. Thank God for friendships that continue to grow and span further than I could ever imagine

7. Thank God for the many opportunities, those that I can explore and grow further in my life

8. Thank God for providing financially to me, especially when times are really tough

9. Thank God for all those hard times that I’ve encountered all through the years, whether they are big or small, because they have shaped me to be the person that I am right now

10. Thank God that I am given more opportunities to grow in my walk with Him, as well as opportunities for me to grow in my work and in life

11. Thank God that I am able to enjoy music even till right now, especially singing.  If it’s not for Him, I guess my passion for singing died long time ago

12. Thank God for the peace that I have in my life, and the assurance that He is always with me and will always provides me with a peace that this world could never ever give me

13. Thank God for the opportunity to serve Him in Cambodia for the mission trip, because it really makes me realise how blessed we are in this country

14. Thank God that I have the freedom to profess my religion in my country

Looking back and reflecting my life, I really do have a lot of other things to give thanks to God.  But since those are private to me, I shall keep it between Him and me for now.

As one gets older, one, I guess, tends to be reflective of things.  Many things in life, I wish I did not do, I wish I did better, I wish I’d never come across even.  But one thing for sure, in every season of my life, even during the best and the worst times ever, Jesus has always been wish me.  And for that I am truly, truly thankful.  Never could I imagine a life without Jesus.  And having encountered such a situation where I could not seem to find God no matter where I look for Him makes me realise all the more that I cannot NOT have God in my life.

Jesus, I truly thank you for the wonderful life you have given me and I look forward to my future with You.  I place it into Your assuring hands, knowing that in every season of my life, you will be with me and you will bring them to pass.  Thank you for continuing to love me even when I was not lovable, even when I was disobedient to you.  Thank you for showing me the way, the way to life, the way to you and the way I should live my life.  Forgive me oh Lord, for the wrongs that I have done, for the wrongs that I may have done unknowingly.  I look forward to knowing more about you, and to draw closer to you.  Praise be unto your name, the most wonderful, powerful and loving name, forever and ever. Amen.

So, anyone wana buy me a new camera?? hahahaha…oh well….

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