Sunday, June 13, 2004


Come to realise a lot of things today. Hard to put some into words, but it hit me lor. I went to this Youth Moral Purity class in church today. I was really dreading it, coz I was pretty tired and slept late (my fault). I woke up late too, but it was still before the thing. I was kinda bored when I was at the class, but a lot of the things that the Pastor talk about make me realise some things in life. We're not perfect and we can never be perfect on our own. But Jesus is perfect and in His perfection He gave us life so that we can share His perfection. And I wish that the video part of the class be shown to every student in high school. It's so educational. Everything hits to the point. It's really good and it's really a wake up call to people. We might think that HIV is the most feared thing in the world, but I can tell you, there's far worse thing that spreads..STDs can kill. Not only that, it will kill your unborn child. Women will be sterile and can never have children, and these are facts and these are the truth. For those who think that condom can protect you from that. WAKE UP!! It does not.... condom is made out of plastic and it is totally imperfect! There's heaps and heaps of holes in it. Sperms might not get through, but bacteria does!!! And it will be with you at all times!! You'll carry these bacterias, aka STD!!! with you for the rest of your lives. You'll also spread it to your partner or partners every time you have sex with them! These are statistics and these are facts! HELLO EVERYONE! TIME TO WAKE UP!!

You think everyone is having sex... think again! Wake Up!! Don't be pressured into it. That's not the fact. I know heaps of people who aren't doing it. And please, sleeping with that person won't keep him/her with you... knock knock!! be real. If he truly loves you, do you think he'll even ask you for it? He'll respect you for who you are and your stand. Come on man, do you need it so desperately?

Sex is beautiful and it's wonderful! No one can deny that. God created that! But hey, HELLO!! He created it in the boundaries of marriage. He created sex so that we can be productive, to produce children! Don't be stupid okay? Your virginity is the best gift you can give to your husband/wife to be! Think about it, do you want to compare your husband/wife to those you've have had sex before? Well, you'll do it. And you will dread it! Can you imagine having intimacy with your husband but yet thinking of someone else? and husbands, you thinking of someone else when you are with your wife?

Really do hope ya all who read this realise this for a fact. I pray that God will let people see and that people will come to know.

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