Fit Only For The Fire
If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. John 15:6
Fit only for the Fire
Early each spring the trees in the orchard are checked. Dead branches are sawn off, piled up, and then ignited. What a sad sight those brush piles burning at the edge of the orchards are.
Can't you almost see the heavenly gardener at work? Carefully he checks each branch. One appears to be dying, but he doesn't saw it off at once. Patiently he waits and tries repairing it. But finally the last trace of life is gone, and he saws off the dead branch. To the fire it goes.
Note carefully, though, how Jesus describes those dead branches. He doesn't say, "If anyone has no fruit," but "if anyone does not remain in me." The lack of connection with the Savior makes one a dead branch in the eyes of the heavenly gardener. The dead branches are those in whose hearts is no faith in Christ. His life-giving sap doesn't run through them, and as a result there can be no fruit in their lives. The fault lies not with the Vine, but with the branch and its connections to the Vine. I may not always be able to spot the dead branch, but the gardener knows. He who sees the heart makes no mistakes. He knows which branches are dead and saws accordingly.
How sad that brushfire in hell will be. On the other hand, how thankful I should be that God has grafted me in faith to Jesus and made me a living branch in the Vine.
Please, Lord, for your love's sake, always keep me there. Amen.
This passage from the bible has been presented to me quite often. Does it mean something to me. Yes, I think it does. I'm still trying to come to terms to it. Sigh, this is gona be hard man. Need to examine my heart and pass all the distraction in my heart to Him. Else, I would never be able to stand up again, but be miserable throughout my whole life. That is really something that I don't want. Father, I pray that You will heal this branch here, heal my heart and give me life once again. This I pray and beg of You, AmEn...
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