LIfe is definitely a mystery, yet this is one mystery that we can solve with God's help. Though it might not always be the answer that we hope or wish it to be, but yet, the answer is there.
God has truly bless me in my life, taking good care of me since I was a little girl and even till now, a young working adult. Sometimes it's hard to comprehend the ways of God, and sometimes we find it hard to follow Him through that narrow path. But praise God, for we don't have to walk that narrow path on our own. All we have to do is just to ask Him, Father, can you help me and guide me through this narrow path, He will answer, yes, my dear child, let me hold your hand and guide you. If you allow God to take hold of your hand, praise Him! The path will not feel so narrow anymore, for you'll know where to step. Sometimes we may stumble and fall, but when we cry out to our Father in heaven, He will turn around and carry you through. I've stumbled and fall many times, yet, He never once choose not to help me up. I've took a tumble recently and He was there when I cried out to Him. Praise Him for He is always with us. Sometimes we wonder, is God with us? All we need to do is just to be still for a moment, and we will hear Him. Look up to the sky, you'll see the beauty of His creation. Let everything around you quiet down, and you'll hear Him. Let our heart quiet down and be at peace, and you'll feel HIm around you.
Praise God for His love, praise God for His everlasting love..
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