Another one here :>
last person u kissd: my cousin sister! she's like my sister and i love her heaps!
last good cry: i can't remember..last year?
last library book checked out: The Bondage Breaker
last movie seen: i actually can't remember! shit!
last book read: Something more
last cuss word uttered:shit
last beverage drank: justea :D
last food consumed: Delicious homecooked food!
last phone call: My buddy Pui Yin (when my phone bill comes i'll die!!)
last tv show watched: I have not watched TV series for a few days now... but the last one is the chinese series... can't remember the title tho (Wah Lai Toi one)
last shoes worn: Adiddas
last cd played: A cd that i burnt recently
last item bought:CD by Avalon
last downloaded: now downloading a song from Chris
last annoyance: my messy room which i have yet to clean up! urghhh
last disappointment: myself
last soda drank: Fanta Grape
last thing handwritten: Today's sharing at church by sister Audrey
last word spoken: wah piang eh!
last sleep: yday morn, around 4
last im: what the heck is this ar???
last weird encounter: My friend called, supposedly my number and he was like sue anne? and the other person on the line was yeah? who's that? weirdest of all, it wasn't me on the line with him!!! weirddddd
last ice cream eaten: split!! (argh.. i oso want cookies and cream!! duckie!!!!!)
last amused: Chris, for putting idiotic icons.. hahahha
trippin on drugs?: I see no good from it, only disaster.. and I pity those who are trippin on drugs.. value ur life man
last time wanting to die: although i always say die ar, but i never want to die or even like suicide, for I know how precious life is
last time in love: though i love Him, but it's been a while since i am in love with Him... but if u talk about being in love with another person, I have never been in love with another person lor...
last time hugged: today, my little girl girl
last time scolded: dun remember.. i always scold ppl one! hahah
last chair sat in: now lor, hard chair...butt pain liao
last time lipstick used: yday, coz i look pale!
last shirt worn: my fave o'reef black top
last poster looked at: The Edge, some music conference thingy
1 MINUTE AGO: walked to my room to check something
1 HOUR AGO: on the net chatting with friends
1 DAY AGO: went to CIRCUS!! It was like so cool!!
1 WEEK AGO: lazing at home (din go churchlor)
1 YEAR AGO: in Gippy, probably on the net chatting or at someone's house
1. What do you most like about your body? my eyes
2. And least? my body? keke.. oh well, i am still me :D gotta learn to love myself
3. How many fillings do you have? dunoe lerrrr.. havent been to a dentist for ages
4. Do you think you're good looking? nope
5. Do other people tell you that you're good
looking? no, but everyone likes to say i am cute.. why ar??? I am notlarr!! haiyoooooo
First job: being a daughter to my parents
First screen name: what's a screen name ar? I really duno, but my first nick from ppl is susu lor.. sigh
First funeral: MY maternal grandpa.. miss him.. he loves us all so much
First pet: bobby... but missing liao.. duno where.. btw, he's a dog
First piercing/tattoo: ear piercing
First credit card: got them when i started this job that I am in now.. they give for free mar
First Kiss: when I was a child, kissing my family members.. but if you say kissing that someone special, I am still waiting for him
First one that mattered: God
First love: God
First enemy: Devil
First big trip: Australia, going there to study
First concert: Hillsongs
First musician you remember hearing in your
house: My uncle, he plays guitar :D