Tuesday, August 5, 2003

Sick Person

Hm, my throat seems to be getting worse, wonder if there's anything that I can take that could cure me of the pain the I'm enduring every time I try to swallow something, even my own saliva. Does panadol help? Am wondering, coz I've taken heaps of soothers for the throat and they don't seem to be working. What's more, I have work to do tonight and things to present tomorrow, do hope that my throat won't get worse. Lucky for me I can still talk, if not... sigh, that would be very bad coz it means that the throat is hurt badly. REally do wonder what caused it to be like this. Do hope that things will be better later on. Don't wana be sick, coz I figured, no one likes to be sick too! So sad, of all the sickness that people can get (well, minor ones), sore throat is my most hatred one, and now I'm suffering from sore throat. Sigh..... sad, sad, sad :(

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