Saturday, April 10, 2010


I realised that:
  • life is complicated, because we complicate it ourselves
  • we faces expectation from others, because we have expection of others as well
  • love is beautiful, yet many times perversed by men (women) (think point 1)
  • that greed breeds discontentment.  Think of marketeers helping greedy companies to grow; they do up advertisements to breed wants and needs that leads to discontentment with our lives
  • when one complains, one never realise that the complain will only breeds anger and bitterness in oneself
  • it's better to shut up to gossips and complaints because it just will hurt rather than love; be it ourselves or towards others
  • love is love; you can't say that you love yet you cannot love as a whole
  • the ability to love is a blessing to others
  • the ability to give and bless others is a gift in itself
  • grace is borned out of love
  • grace is everywhere, it's just a matter of opening your eyes and seeing it
  • when life hands you a rotten apple, you can plant it, let it decompose and be a blessing to other plants
Lord, thank U for opening my eyes.  I pray Lord, that I will always keep my eyes toward U, that no matter what life hands me, I can always be thankful and grateful for the grace U have shown me.  May I learn to be a blessing to others; as others have allowed themselves to be a blessing to me.  Your grace and mercy are new every morning, and I thank U for showering me with them this morning.  All glory and honor be to Ur name oh Lord.  In Jesus' name I pray, Amen....

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