it's easy to say that i know, it's easy to say that i am sure... but yet, at this point in time, i can only say, i'm searching oh Lord, for a glimpse of u, thru every moments in my life...
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Missing Gippy
I guess I miss all the reminders of God that I saw back in Gippy. It's not that He's not around me right now, but rather, when I was in Gippy, I was able to truly just slow down and praise Him no matter where I am. Here, sometimes I find it hard.. there's just too many sounds around me that seems so distracting...
Ignore me, I'm just in those odd moods at the moment I guess...
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Erratic Week
Went out with some new friends yday.. we went to this eatery called Marmalade in Bangsar Village 2. It's such a cosy place! Totally reminds me of Geri's room in Gippyland with the numerous bean bags around. I totally plunked myself on one and couldn't get up! hahah... so fun and funny at the same time.... with the next one, a friend offer to pull me up, but decided not to take up his offer, lest i pull him down instead....

Here's the group pictures :)

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Slow paced weekend
Went to Janda Baik for a wedding today. Woah, it's really a beautiful place, one that really separate you from the hectic pace around us. Up there, you'll be surrounded by heaps of soft pine trees... assuring and easing you... cool wind breeze blowing through the whole area... taking whatever hectic feeling that's surrounding you away... ease.... wonderful..
I regret forgetting about my camera, otherwise I would've snapped non-stop.... here's a couple that I took using my lil camera phone...
I couldn't resist taking the following picture... it's just too cute to resist!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
At the Cross
Sometimes we're so busy with things around us that we, in our minds, acknowledge what God has done in our lives, but our heart remains distant from Him. We say we love Him, but our action shows otherwise. We say we want to do His will, but instead, we turn away when He asked us to.
What can separate us from Jesus now? Nothing, except for ourselves... who pulls away from Him....
At The Cross (Key E)
[Hillsong - Mighty To Save]
A E/G# A | B |
Verse 1:
E/G# A2 B C#m7
Oh Lord You?ve searched me,
E/G# A2 B -
You know my way;
E/G# A2 B C#m7
Even when I fail You,
A2 Bsus B
I know You love me.
E/G# A2 B C#m7
Your holy presence
E/G# A2 B -
Surrounding me
E/G# A2 B C#m7
In every season,
A2 Bsus B
I know You love me;
A2 Bsus B
I know You love me.
E C#m
At the cross I bow my knee,
E/G# A
Where Your blood was shed for me,
There?s no greater love than this.
E C#m
You have overcome the grave,
E/G# A
Your glory fills the highest place,
What can separate me now?
Verse 2:
E/G# A2 B C#m7
You go before me,
E/G# A2 B -
You shield my way,
E/G# A2 B C#m7
Your hand upholds me;
A2 Bsus B
I know You love me.
E/G# A2 B C#m7
And when the earth fades,
E/G# A2 B -
Falls from my eyes,
E/G# A2 B C#m7
And You stand before me,
A2 Bsus B
I know You love me;
A2 Bsus B
I know You love me.
A2 B C#m7
You tore the veil, You made a way
A C#m7 B
When You said that it is done.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Monday Morning
Things have been hectic the past week, trying to juggle handling customers as well as trying to get things done for my boss. But praise God most of it is already settled. Next week will be another whirlwind for me I guess, with heaps of groups happening and rushing things again. Yeap, the timeline for this job can sometimes be quite tough. But I guess as one learns when to be focused and when to juggle things, one gets more familiar with it. Will learn in time.
Slow and steady win the race eh, be it in the rat race or even in our race towards to finish line.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Little Havana
When I got there, it was really an eye opener! Why so? Because there's so many people who dances salsa there. And they are realllllyyyyyyy GOOD! I'm quite amazed with all the turns that the girls are doing and the leading of some of the guys there... Woah, never did I expect things to be so good there. One thing for sure, I love the music coz it really makes you want to dance. Sad to say, none of us dare to venture onto the dance floor as, as you would know, salsa dance is totally different from the clubbing scene. We just stood at the side watching people do all their turns and shakings. But I had fun watching as well....does makes me wana learn salsa... haha...
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Work Work Work
I'd probably need to do about 10 slides and I've drafted out 2 already. Hopefully the ones that I'm doing works right now. Else I think I will again go bonkers trying to crack my brain. Actually did some out but it doesn't seem to portray what needs to be brought out and thus I need to redo it. Sigh, oh well.. lesson learnt. Must always remember what I need to do I guess.
How is work thus far? To be honest, I really am not entirely sure. There are some upheaval happening in the office and I do think that my colleagues are a bit worried about me being affected by it. This I think they are worrying to much because:
1. Though work is tough at times, I'm actually enjoying it (can you believe it?? I'm still trying to gauge this as well)
2. Working late is fine for me, because then I don't have to wake up so early the next day to work
3. Not having a boss in the office at all times helps me to ease up the tension
4. I'm getting adapted to the workplace after so long
5. Music is my accompaniment at all times in the office
Haha.. okay okay, getting a bit off from the topic. Neways, things might (hopefully) be a little slower for me next week, so when I finish this I'm quite free already! Of course, there are certain things that I need to do for my boss and I need to prepare for them too. Slowly lar.
But once this report is done, my next step is to transfer everything out from this little laptop of mine and reformat it! Best is to get ride of whatever junk that is not necessary. So crazily overloaded with things that I have no idea belongs to who. Sigh....
OKay now, back to work lar!
Aja aja FIGHTING!!!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Praise God
My boss came in early as we have a few groups on for the day. He told me that I am to sit down with him to discuss on a brief that I've prepared and he also passed me something to read and go through. So I did what I needed to do and waited for him to settle his before we do our discussion.
The minute we sat down, he told me he's not going to be around next week and started to review me there and then. The ill-prepared me just sat there listening like a blur girl.. wondering what triggered this conversation. Okay, a little brief info for those who don't know. I have started this job back on December 15, 2006 and am (should I use was?) on a 3 months probation. When I took this job, the pay cut was huge and I thought I wouldn't survive it (that's another blessing story altogether). So I made a pact with my boss that we are to review my salary package earlier if possible to at least the amount of my previous salary. I never pursue it as I was literally bumming around in the office for the first two months, with nothing to do...
Tada, God's surprise and blessing to me is that He blessed me with an almost 40% pay rise! Truly, it was unexpected and brought so much joy to me. God has truly blessed me for the past 3 months and taught me heaps re my job, that money is not everything. He's shown me that we can still survive with less money, so long as we continue to walk with God daily.
Maybe some of us are actually going through some financial matters right now, the best thing to do is really to commit the matter to God and tell Him what is happening and all. I am sure God hears your prayers and petition and will, in His own timing, seek to reveal more of Himself even as He help you out in life.
Father, truly, I thank You for such blessings that you've poured into my life for the past few months. I know, certain things I really don't think I'm even worth receiving it, yet You still give and pour out to me in abundance. I truly am speechless by Your grace and Your love that You've shown to me. I pray that You too will help those around me who are in dire need financially. I pray that You will bless them as You've done for me. Thank You Lord, in Jesus' name, AMEN
Friday, March 2, 2007
Funny Incident
Okay, today I had to go to client's site and it's been quite a while since I drove to that place. As the appointment is early, I've decided to go there earlier... slept late yday so this morning was a blur rush for me as I was just throwing things into my bag and flew out the door.
As I need to account for toll and all, I nicely went to get a ticket at the toll. As I was half, I started looking for my wallet and viola! I realised that I didn't bring my wallet! (rest assured, I parked at the side of the road while digging through my big bagpack) In a near state of panic, I started looking around if there's any cash in my car and even contemplated to driving into the toll's office to check with them what I can do. Whilst thinking still, I saw my COIN BAG! Happily I started digging through it. Mind you, that bag contains mainly one cents and five cents.
As I was digging, I managed to find the following:
two 10 cents coins
thirteen 5 cents coins
that totals up to 85 cents
I'm sure you've guessed what I did.. i gave the rest of 15 cents in 1 cent coins!
The lady at the toll was practically showing me black face and probably cursing me already. I was kinda embarrassed by it as well and had no choice still. That is all I can do :P
It was quite a funny incident that really woke me up.
Anyhow, I'm thankful for my kind GM that lent me RM50 for my usage for today.