Pastor Timothy Yeung and Pastor Stella Yeung (husband and wife)
Seriously was so blown away by Pastor and God's presence in that place. It was such a refreshing experience to be so filled by God's presence, to be with Him and to worship Him so deeply.
This worship conference is really mind blowing! Why do I say that? Have you ever experience being with God so much, so much that you can't do anything but worship Him? Have you experience .. by closing your eyes, God's presence fill your heart immediately? Have you ever, by stepping into the place of worship, you feel the need to worship Him immediately? This is the first time I've felt such feelings coming up from the very depth of my heart.
Thank you Father for allowing me to know that the many things that I'm doing now is pleasing to You. I also know that there are so many things that I still need to learn and also to be changed by you.. I pray that I would be able to do so. Thank you Father for allowing me to experience you and to be in your presence. Thank you for allowing me to touch you, to reach out to you and to be loved by you.
It's hard to desribe my feelings and the amazement of being in God's presence.. but here's some pictures for your perusal.
people were so touched by God that they were either crying or laughing and just worshipping Him from their hearts.